The Best 啤酒厂 in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

The Best 啤酒厂 in San Francisco

San Francisco is a bucket list destination for craft beer enthusiasts. 探索 the best 啤酒厂 in San Francisco on your next visit.

If you're a beer aficionado looking for things to do in San Francisco, brewery hopping should top your list. 从中坚力量到暴发户, 这座滨海湾城市以其众多优秀的手工酿酒厂而闻名, 酒吧, 和gastropubs. We've included how to reach these hoppy havens on public transit, so you can enjoy your brews responsibly. With countless brick-and-mortar locations, as well as annual events like SF 啤酒 Week, San Francisco has truly evolved into a 啤酒爱好者的天堂.



以其时髦的罐头和创意啤酒而闻名,比如地狱或高西瓜, 21条修正案 is a fun place to visit in person. Located just two blocks from 甲骨文公园 in SoMa, brewery also serves yummy food (including brunch until 2 p.m. 在周末). 从市中心乘10路Muni公交车,在第二街和布兰南街下车.



位于伯纳尔高地, Barebottle is like your favorite neighborhood hangout. 像乒乓球和玉米洞之类的游戏填满了洞穴般的仓库空间, and food trucks often pull up out front. 如果你对啤酒厂的运作方式感到好奇,可以参加Barebottle的每日啤酒厂之旅, and then order up a Salted Mangolicious New England-style IPA. (如果你在之后爬上伯纳尔高地公园的山顶,那就加分了.) The 24 Muni bus is the best option for public transit. 



这家NoPa啤酒馆提供超过40种啤酒,包括他们自己的内部创作. There's a malty winter Scotch ale, 一种松树味的印度淡啤酒, and a red ale that has hints of caramel and orange, 在许多其他方面. 桶的头 也为自己的招牌啤酒引以为傲,这些酒有像虎血和凯勒蜂这样聪明的名字. The 5 Muni bus will get you right there. 在共济会街下车.



This industrial chic space just off 联合广场 has its own microbrewery in-house. 啤酒在打开 巴特利特大厅 每周换一次,这意味着你保证每次来都有不同的东西. Good thing the food is so delicious; you won't feel guilty about returning! Take the 38 Muni bus or BART to Powell Street and you'll be close by.



这家位于贝博体彩app米申湾附近的新啤酒厂将是你下一个品尝美味啤酒和高架酒吧食物的好去处! Try a glass of their classic Sculpin, or sample a selection of brews unique to their SF location, all inspired by Northern California. 不知道该喝哪种啤酒? Order a 4-ounce pour and create your own tasting! Order dinner from their well-crafted menu that includes bone marrow, 巴哈鱼玉米饼, 经典Smash汉堡, 墨西哥炖排骨, 和更多的! Each menu item pairs exceptionally with their beers. Just ask the staff for recommendations!



酒吧间每天在 黑锤,离……不远 甲骨文公园, making it a perfect pitstop for pre-game beers. 这个手工作坊规模很小,所以供品随时都在变化. The Sparkle Pony (a Belgian blonde ale), Bock Party (traditional bock beer), 和Daft Funk(一种布雷特烈性麦芽酒)只是我们在那里品尝过的一些啤酒. 为什么不坐47路Muni公交车去第四街和布莱恩特街看看他们今天在倒什么? 



Known for small-batch, experimental brews, Cellarmaker always has something inventive in the works. 虽然y usually keep at least a few hoppy beers on tap, 你会发现从Double Mad Nibs Imperial Chocolate Milk Stout到Babooshka Ya-Ya Baltic Porter的所有东西都潦草地写在板条黑板上. At the outer edge of the 任务, 可以乘坐捷运(BART)到24街,或者乘坐Muni J-Church线到30街.


The 渡口 and 742 Valencia St.

虽然 福特角啤酒公司 brewery itself is housed in a historic building in the 要塞,在附近 金门大桥, Fort Point taproom is conveniently located in the 渡口内河码头. 试试他们广泛销售的公园小麦啤酒,或者选择一些更独特的东西, 比如曼萨尼塔, a smoked altbier brewed with charred manzanita. 几乎所有的路都通向渡轮大厦,所以你到达那里不会有问题. 他们的瓦伦尼卡街位置很容易到达乘坐14,22,或33 Muni公交线路.


26街1050号. 和勇士路7号

这两个 谐波酝酿 locations are open from Wednesday to Sunday. 他们在第26街的店有轮流供应的啤酒和美食车. 他们的新空间,一部分 追逐中心“繁荣之城”(Thrive City)是体育迷的完美选择,它有足够的座位,可以容纳大群人,还有多台电视. They also extend their hours on days when the 追逐中心 hosts events. 这两个 locations are best reached along the T Muni light rail.



远离人迹罕至的小路 海景区的 社区, 笑和尚 offers up great brews and a packed calendar of events, including Yoga & 啤酒和每周的知识问答之夜. 对比利时啤酒情有独钟, 笑和尚也提供强烈的美国IPA和令人愉快的牛奶黑啤. Oh, and did we menti在y frequently host food trucks 在 premises? Take the T Muni light rail to Gillman and Paul avenues to get there.



Founded in 1997 at Haight and Masonic, 木兰 is a bastion of the San Francisco craft beer scene. 丰富的菜单仍然包括他们的第一款啤酒,蓝铃苦啤酒. 灵感来自英国的美食酒吧, 原来的位置为传统的酒吧体验增添了独特的贝博体彩app风情. The 7 Muni bus is convenient for getting to Haight Street. 



Located quite literally at the edge of the world, 公园里的小木屋 对两者都有无与伦比的看法 金门公园 和太平洋. 这个地方以周末早午餐和周二墨西哥卷饼(Taco tuesday)而闻名,但它也会倒自己酿造的麦芽酒. They run the gamut from a classic IPA to a caramel-flavored black lager. 您可以乘坐5R Muni巴士,一直到线路的尽头,到达公园里的小木屋, but in the interest of maximizing your time, you may want to opt for a ride-share.



Tucked away off of Folsom Street in the 任务, 南太平洋 是在一个改造过的仓库里开了一家庞大的啤酒酒吧,看起来像是用来存放沿着著名的同名铁路隆隆行驶的一些机车吗. 他们的水龙头每天都在更换,但我们最喜欢的是他们的加州金发女郎和传统的Hefeweizen. 乘坐14路或49路Muni公交线路到任务街和20街是乘坐公共交通的最佳选择.

酒吧啤酒 & 啤酒


这家以禁酒为主题的酒吧最近重新装修,隐藏在猎人角. 试试他们著名的Big Daddy IPA,或者,如果你胆子大,可以试试Double Daddy Imperial IPA. 非法经营的酒吧 与大多数公共交通工具相比有点长途跋涉,但值得一游. Taking a ride service such as Lyft is your best bet.



如果你发现自己在 外日落 一天的时间 金门公园贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园, or 海洋海滩, do yourself a favor and stop by 日落水库酿酒公司. 拿一杯弗格拉格啤酒, a nod to classic San Francisco weather, 然后在这家舒适的啤酒厂品尝一盘起泡的Shishito辣椒或其他酒吧小吃. You can take the Muni light rail N line to 25th Avenue to get there.



它位于多洛雷斯公园的西北角,多洛雷斯公园是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的绿地之一, 伍兹Cerverceria is styled after a rustic Argentinian estancia. Beyond their eye-catching labels and delicious beers, 伍兹还发明了几种共发酵法:用本地葡萄酒酵母自然发酵葡萄和啤酒. Try one of these unique creations on your next visit. 您可以乘坐33路Muni公交车或J路Muni轻轨前往伍兹Cerverceria.


探索更多美食 & 贝博体彩app的饮品

Looking for more great places for a drink in San Francisco? There's no limit to the number of incredible restaurants, 酒吧, 休息室, 啤酒厂, 甚至是酿酒厂.



Aaron是Digital的经理 & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & 其中超过7个是旅游业. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 



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